Monday 17 December 2012

Benefits of Nuclear Power

Introduction to Nuclear Power

What is Nuclear Power/Energy?

         Nuclear energy is a clean, safe, reliable and competitive energy source that can replace a significant part of the fossil fuels. Nuclear energy is energy in the core of an atom. Can be used to make electricity. Two ways : Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fission

What is Nuclear Power/Energy ?

  These fossil fuels  massively pollute the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect.
      An example of fossil fuels would be coal, oil and gas

Benefits Of Nuclear Power
§Nuclear power is
4. Compact
5. Renewable
6. Safe

RELIABLE :: Nuclear reactors provide base-load power and are available over 90% of the time. Intervals between refueling have been extended and down time for refueling has been reduced. In the USA, these improvements over the years have been the equivalent of adding one reactor a year to the existing fleet. Most reactors are designed for a life of 40 years; many are reaching that age in good condition and extensions of 20 years have usually been granted.

Competitive: The cost of nuclear power is competitive and stable. The cost of nuclear fuel is a small part of the price of a nuclear kiloWatt-hour, whereas fossil fueled power, especially oil and gas, is at the mercy of the market.

Inexhaustible: Uranium is found everywhere in the crust of the Earth – it is more abundant than tin, for example. Major deposits are found in Canada and Australia. It is estimated that increasing the market price by a factor ten would result in 100 times more uranium coming to market. Eventually we will be able to recover uranium from sea water where 4 billion tons are dissolved.

Compact: A nuclear power station is very compact, occupying typically the area of a football stadium and its surrounding parking lots. Solar cells, wind turbine farms and growing biomass, all require large areas of land.

Renewable : Although nuclear power is considered as a low carbon power generation source, its a renewable energy power source. Nuclear energy is regarded as clean energy and it’s a renewable energy too. Renewable energy is determined as an energy source that can regenerate and can replenish itself.

Safe: It’s partially safe only,but not 100% safe, but A nuclear reactor differs from fossil fuel-based plants in that it doesn’t produce any carbon-dioxide emissions. Nuclear energy is safe unless radiation is being produce.

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